Welcome to 7th & 8th Grades
2024 - 2025 Supplies List

Following is a list of school supplies you will need to bring with you on the first day of school. We look forward to seeing you!
Welcome to Junior High at Orangevale Seventh-day Adventist School. Please do your best to begin the school year with all the things you need. Students perform closer to their optimal when they are completely prepared. Let's be ready to get off to a great start! Best wishes!

*White Eraser
*Box of Kleenex
*5 Folders
*Non-red Pens
*Pencil Sharpener *Bible
*2 Highlighter Pens *Scissors
*Colored Pencils (No ink)
*Clorox/Lysol Wipes
*Centimeter/Inch Ruler
*8½” x 11” Notebook Paper
*Large, 3-Ring Binder designated for Math
*3 Composition Notebooks
*Glue (Liquid Elmer’s & Stick)
*National Geographic Field Guide to the Birds of North America, Seventh Edition
*Binoculars for Bird Unit (optional — the school has loaners)