New studies for 2017 – 2018 show the longer a student stays at Orangevale Adventist School, the higher their test scores are!
What does our school Look Like?
Christ Centered –
- Our focus is on the Love of God and learning what our lives look like when we love other.
Student/Teacher Ratio –
- Low student/teacher ratio plus a teacher’s aide. Especially committed to one-on-one help with math and reading.

Solid Academics –
- Grades 3 – 8 Standardized testing – 1.5 grades above level.
- If they stay in our system up through 8th grade and earn A’s and B’s in their 8th grade classes, they are ready to be successful at the next level, including Stanford and Pepperdine
- Current 8th grade class scores over 3 and a half grades above their grade level on standardized tests.
High Expectation –
- Reading, Writing, Math, and Investigative play
Additional Support
- Lexia
Extended Care –
- Supportive staff works with students after school with unfinished work, homework, or extra projects. Love and care for the kids.
Consistent Behavior –
- Following directions is a huge skill that is developed.
Social Skills –
- “Do unto others as you would want them to do to you” Luke 6:31
- Monday Morning assembly focusing on Christ-centered social character building skills
Differentiated Instruction –
- Our whole staff went to DI training in Las Vegas and our 5/6 grade teacher is one of the lead teachers in helping train how to differentiate instruction for students
Family Centered –
- Parents as partners, classmates become family